IT Equipment & Accounts
On your first day...

Need help getting logged in to your computer, need access to a program or folder, or other IT support? 

Log a Ticket in ServiceNow:  Go directly to
Call:  the IT Help Desk at 1-800-521-6970 

Every day programs used: 

  • Outlook for email
  • Teams for meeting invites and chat
  • Microsoft 365 for file sharing, collaboration, surveys and more!
  • Microsoft Edge is a preferred browser
New to any of these programs or want to learn more?
We encourage you to check out these resources by clicking the links below:

Our Intranets

You must be connected to the CONMED network (onsite or VPN) to access either intranet. If your home office is not in Utica or Largo, use either link.
Our intranet sites contain links to many of our CONMED Applications.
Business Mobile & Desk Phones

  • Log a Ticket in ServiceNow using this link to request a desk phone.
  • If you require a mobile phone for business purposes, please submit a request to the CONMED Cellular Request Portal. The request will then route for Manager approval. Questions? Contact the wireless Business group at 315-701-0855 or email 

Continue through the rest of your onboarding journey!